Feedback / Contact Us

Emails to use based on topic:

Email Topic General feedback or questions Questions to the facilitators Reports or questions about code of conduct

or email specific organizers:

Name Email Team
Ethan Strominger Facilitation, Feedback, Conduct
David Sturgis Facilitation, Feedback, Conduct
Paul Reilly Facilitation, Feedback, Conduct
Sam Backus Facilitation

We also have a Slack workspace for online discussions with the entire community.

Event Feedback

We want Boston Software Crafters events to be great for everyone. We want them to be great for you.

Please let us know how the event was for you. Did you feel welcome? Did you find people to work with or talk with? What could we do differently?

We really want to hear from you. Be blunt if you need to! Honest feedback will help us improve Boston Software Crafters for everyone.

Send an email to feedback@boston-software-crafters.

Thanks, we really appreciate it!

Website Feedback

There are several ways to give feedback on the website content:

To review feedback posted via Github:
