Keeping Boston Software Crafters running requires lots of small jobs. If you take on one of these, it’s a big help to the organization. You can sign up for one of these and then move to doing something else later on. Or you can suggest a different job that you’re interested in doing.
To volunteer or discuss in more detail, contact us.
We really appreciate your help!
Role | Description |
Video Meeting Facilitator | Help us figure out how to facilitate a collobarative video meeting and/or help troubleshoot during the video meeting. |
Logo Designer | Boston Software Crafters is looking for a good logo or stock image to use |
Photos | We are looking for a new photo for the meetup page showing online collboration and once we go back to in person, a better photo showing in person collaboration. We may also do a photo gallery on the website. Please share your own photos or let us know of free or stock images you come across. |
New Member Greeter | When new members join Meetup or Slack, send them a personal message welcoming them. People answer questions when they join; it would be great to include details from those answers, and an encouragement to share their expertise (if they have claimed some). |
Kata Facilitator | Volunteer to organize and facilitate a kata. Help others get set up to be productive. |
Session Facilitator | Check on on breakout rooms to see if people need help. |
Emcee | Coordinate an entire session |
Alternative Meeting Organizer | Set up an alterntive meeting on a topic of your choice. We wil help you publicize and help you figure out how to organize (you are expected to be the primary organizer). |
**Create a @bostonsoftwrecrafters Twitter account. Follow interesting people, tweet things. Announce events and sponsors. | |
Website Contributor | Open issues and pull requests for content suggestions and edits to this website. |
Website Admin | Improve the content of this website and manage contributions. |
Event List Researcher | Look for other events people might be interested in. |
Event List Gatekeeer | Keep track of other events people want us to announce to the group and coordinate posting or post yourself. |
Monthly Announcements | Put together and send out a monthly announcement. |
Public Relations Bullhorn | Find places to publicize Boston Software Crafters events. Publicize them. |
Onboarding Process | Play-test the experience for new members. Make sure we properly explain how Boston Software Crafters works so that they can get as much as possible from joining. |
Pollster | Write a survey to find out what people want and what is on their minds. Collect results, summarize for everyone. |
T-shirt Wizard | It would be amazing to have Boston Software Crafters t-shirts to sell. Find someone to design the shirt (or design it yourself). Work with enough leaders of the group to get approval of the design. Find a vendor with the right price/quality balance. Decide on the right quantity and mix of sizes to order. Deal with the vendor to get the shirts made. |
Attendee Greeter | People showing up to an evening event could use a friendly face to greet them. Tell people how to get started. Make them feel welcome. This can be totally informal; if you warmly greet just one apprehensive attendee, you’ve made a difference! This is needed both for on line and when we go back to in person. |